Search Instructions

Single Word Search Terms

Entering a single word will match any pages with that word anywhere - eg 457 matches all pages with the word "457" in the title, content, description, keywords etc.

Multiple Word Search Terms

Entering more than one word will match any employees with any of those words in their record. For instance 457 student will match pages with either "457" or "student" mentioned anywhere.

Required Words

Putting a plus in front of the word means that word is "required" and only records which have that term in it will be returned.

For instance 457 +student will return all pages with the term "457" and the term "student" anywhere in the page.

Excluded Words

Putting a minus sign in front of the word means that records with that word in it will not be returned.

For instance 457 -student will return all pages mentioning "457" but not "student" in the content.

Quoted Search Terms

To search for an exact phrase, enclose it in quotes - eg "student visa" will find all pages with the exact term "student visa" in them.

Case Sensitivity

The search is not case sensitive - for instance Student will match student and also student.

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